Answere to INM Exercise 2 in german

Internet and New Media Exercise 2


  1. Who coined the term "cyberspace"?
  2. When was he or she born (


William Gibson, a contemporary auther

  1. About 20 years ago William Gibson coined the term "Cyberspace" - an endless virtual reality, in witch
    everybody could log in via PC. His vision of a world wide web was not the ground idea of the internet,
    because that net was already realiesed at university. Soon Gibson's visions became reality.
    So Gibson say that he writes about the present, not about Science-Fiction.

  2. William Ford Gibson was born on the 17th March 1948 in Conway,South Carolina, USA. He grow up in a little village in the mountain
    of Virginia. Together with his widowed mother he emigratede to Canada, because he didn't want to fight in the Vietnam war.
    Today he lives with his wife Deborah Jean Thompson and his two children in Vancouver.

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